A group of residents at Masonic Village at Sewickley are proud to call themselves relics. Not the relics most people know, but members of the Resident Life Enrichment Advisory Council (RLEAC).
The group helps Karen Hammond, recreation supervisor/concierge, with creating and planning recreational programming, including large-scale events, for all retirement living residents.
Formerly known as the Activity Advisory Council, they wanted to accurately reflect the evolving field of recreation. The word “activity” had become inaccurate to describe the extensive programs the team created, so they changed their name to include the term “life enrichment.”
“An activity is a very small part of what you and I do every day to enhance our own lives,” Karen said. “It is important to this team we display that in our programming and events.”
The group also likes that when abbreviated, RLEAC sounds like the word “relic.”
While the group’s members are older, there’s certainly nothing dated about what they accomplish. Each month, they meet to discuss previous events – things that went well and things that didn’t – and plan upcoming events. A key factor in measuring how well they’re doing is attendance at events and programs.
“Surveys and feedback seem to show they rock in what they do,” Karen said. “When compared to other communities in the area, and even outside of the area, the creativity and implementation of our programs are more advanced and recognized.”
It’s not hard for the group to find volunteers, according to chairperson Pam Braden, because of the engaging events and programs they coordinate, as well as the fun they have planning them. The group is comprised of 11 members, but more are always welcome. The RLEAC is one of many councils in which residents are encouraged to volunteer, including dining, wellness and more.
See the results of the RLEAC’s hard work in the November Village Living event calendar. It lists the full range of events and programs offered on campus, from wellness classes to spiritual opportunities to a program on senior bullying to a trip to the Pittsburgh Symphony. October featured the Autumn Monster Mash Bash, which the group coordinated and encouraged residents to dress in themed costumes.
“The goal of recreation professionals is to help people meet their needs socially, cognitively, spiritually and physically,” said Karen. “Good volunteer positions assist in making that happen.”
In the photo above, members of the RLEAC represent the various events they’ve planned over the last year, ranging from the spring party “April in Paris,” to Halloween to Ruby ducky from promotions for the summer Olympics. On the staircase (l-r): Pam Braden; Bob Nichter; Karen Hammond, recreation supervisor/concierge; Joy Gifford; and Linda Kable. Front row (l-r): Aggie Pangburn, Jane McKenzie, Ron McKenzie, Barb Fraser and Claudia Brenneisen.